Attachment Streaming

This is an experimental feature at this point. Please consult team before using it.


Goals is the high performance platform on which web services operate at LinkedIn. As our company moved closer to the formal adoption of large unstructured blobs of data, such as media, we needed a highly performant way to move all this data around. Therefore it became apparent that we needed to perform an overhaul of our existing service-to-service architecture.

The goals of attachment streaming therefore are the following:

  • Provide the ability to pass large blobs of bytes around our data centers between multiple services seamlessly
  • No one service should hold the entire payload in memory at once
  • Fully asynchronous and event driven
  • Zero copy write and read for high performance
  • Leverage existing web services infrastructure, namely R2/D2/
  • Allow multiple blobs to be sent in a single request or response
  • Establish a wire format that can foster a high adoption rate for external members and platforms
  • Solve the immediate business need of our services interacting with our custom distributed object store - LinkedIn’s version of S3 - Ambry
  • Provide clean and intuitive async APIs for our engineers

Inspiration attachment streaming is inspired by the Reactive Streaming Manifesto

Therefore attachment streaming in, from the bottom (R2) to the top, is based on the following:

  • Allow processing a potentially unbounded number of elements
  • Ensure that data elements are handled in sequence
  • Asynchronously pass elements between components
  • Mandatory non-blocking backpressure from the bottom (TCP) up
  • The reader should never be forced to buffer data

New Wire Format

In order to support attachment streaming, leverages a different wire format then what traditional traffic uses. This is for a number of reasons:

  • The current wire formats JSON and PSON do not work well for expressing binary attachments. They were meant for structured data, so providing big blobs of bytes in them violates the spirit of their original intent.
  • Multiple attachments need to be supported, which is not possible in the current state of
  • The regular payload (JSON/PSON) needs to continue to be supported and to be fully read/written before attachments are read/written by developer code.
  • Arbitrarily large attachments need to be supported. This requires a format that is welcoming to very large blobs of bytes.
  • Each attachment needs some metadata associated with it as well. This is outside of the regular payload.
  • It is desirable to have a wire format that is set up for easy adoption by external consumers and platforms.

In order to satisfy these requirements, makes use of multipart/mime as the streaming wire format. Therefore attachment streaming’s implementation is build upon the formal adoption of the RFC.

Within multipart/mime there are several mime subtypes that can be chosen. attachment streaming uses multipart/related as the value for the Content-Type header since the JSON/PSON payload will be the first part in the mime envelope. A more detailed explanation as to the justification of multipart/related is explained here.

Sample Traditional Wire Format

For reference, here are examples of sample regular payloads.

POST /widgets?action=purge HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
  "reason": "spam",
  "purgedByAdminId": 1
POST /widgets?ids=List(1,2) HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
  "entities": {
    "1": {"patch": { "$set": { "name":"Sam"}}},
    "2": {"patch": { "$delete": ["name"]}}

Wire Format for Attachment Streaming

Note that the current wire format described above will still be supported as there are no backward incompatible changes being made.

However for clients sending requests with attachments present or for servers responding with attachments, the wire protocol will change.

If attachments are present in either a request or a response, the content type becomes multipart/related. If a client can handle attachments back from a server, then an accept type of multipart/related is also added to the Accept header.

For example:

PUT /widgets?ids=List(1,2,3)   
HTTP/1.1 X-RestLi-Method: BATCH_UPDATE
Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=--km6cltxBQgkYRIwT8lAgFGfNV0AmQFwDB
Accept: multipart/related; application/json
Content-Type: application/json
    "entities": {
        "1": {
            "widgetName": "Trebuchet",
            "myVideo": "cid:725c0319-b1f1-4b9c-b618-7ee9468870f0"
        "2": {
            "widgetName": "Gear",
            "myVideo": "cid:a4d4133b-0546-4f7b-8104-ffdd644168c6"
        "3": {
            "widgetName": "Slider",
            "myVideo": "cid:725c0319-b1f1-4b9c-b618-7ee9468870f0"
Content-ID: <725c0319-b1f1-4b9c-b618-7ee9468870f0>
binary data…..
Content-ID: <a4d4133b-0546-4f7b-8104-ffdd644168c6>
binary data…..

Note that the regular payload becomes the first part in a multipart/related envelope. Each attachment then becomes its own subsequent part separated by the multipart boundary. Since each part in a multipart envelope can have its own headers, the Content-Type header from the regular payload now appears as a header in the first part. Both JSON and PSON are supported as valid Content-Types for the first part.

Each part after the regular payload represents a blob of data attached to the request or response. Each attachment part has a Content-ID header which uniquely identifies that attachment in the payload. References to this unique identifier should then be placed as fields in the JSON (RecordTemplate backing) payload as pointers to the blobs in the attachments. In this particular example we have two attachments. Trebuchet and Slider both point to the same attachment while Gear points to the other attachment.

PDSC Modeling

PDSC modeling is no different for streaming, with the exception of the following recommendation. This recommendation is simply to serve as a visual cue and does not impact the generated RecordTemplates or the processing of a streaming request or response.

Our recommendation is that anytime you have a field in a PDSC referencing an attachment, that a key value pair of "attachment":true is present. This should further be expanded to include documentation mentioning that this field represents a pointer to an attachment. Once again it is important to note that the purpose of these fields is simply to convey that an attachment could be present.

  "type" : "record",
  "name" : "Greeting",
  "namespace" : "com.linkedin.greetings.api",
  "doc" : "A greeting",
  "fields" : [
      "name" : "id",
      "type" : "long"
      "name" : "content",
      "type" : "string",
      "attachment" : true,
      "doc" : "Type 1 UUID representing a video attachment" 

In terms of the actual data supplied at runtime we suggest using Type 1 UUIDs.

Technical Details on Type 1 UUIDs

The reason for suggesting Type 1 UUIDs is because it provides the best guarantee of producing a globally unique identifier. This is important since, as shown further below, attachments can be coalesced from different machines/services which may lead to an identifier collision.

Creating Attachments

In order to create an attachment, developers must implement the following interface(s):

 * Represents a custom data source that can serve as an attachment.
public interface RestLiAttachmentDataSourceWriter extends Writer
   * Denotes a unique identifier for this attachment. It is recommended to choose 
   * identifiers with a high degree of uniqueness, such as Type 1 UUIDs. 
   * For most use cases there should be a corresponding String field in a PDSC
   * to indicate affiliation.
   * @return the {@link java.lang.String} representing this attachment.
  public String getAttachmentID();

You’ll notice this extends Writer which is defined as the following:

 * Writer is the producer of data for an EntityStream.
public interface Writer
   * This is called when a Reader is set for the EntityStream.
   * @param wh the handle to write data to the EntityStream.
  void onInit(final WriteHandle wh);

   * Invoked when it it possible to write data.
   * This method will be invoked the first time as soon as data can be written to the WriteHandle.
   * Subsequent invocations will only occur if a call to {@link WriteHandle#remaining()} has returned 0
   * and it has since become possible to write data.
  void onWritePossible();

   * Invoked when the entity stream is aborted.
   * Usually writer could do clean up to release any resource it has acquired.
   * @param e the throwable that caused the entity stream to abort
  void onAbort(Throwable e);

The Writer class leverages an interface called WriteHandle which is defined as follows:

 * This is the handle to write data to an EntityStream.
public interface WriteHandle
   * This writes data into the EntityStream. This call may have no effect if the stream has been aborted
   * @param data the data chunk to be written
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if remaining capacity is 0, or done() or error() has been called
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if called after done() or error() has been called
  void write(final ByteString data);

   * Signals that Writer has finished writing.
   * This call has no effect if the stream has been aborted or done() or error() has been called
  void done();

   * Signals that the Writer has encountered an error.
   * This call has no effect if the stream has been aborted or done() or error() has been called
   * @param throwable the cause of the error.
  void error(final Throwable throwable);

   * Returns the remaining capacity in number of data chunks. Always returns 0 if the stream is aborted or 
   * finished with done() or error()
   * @return the remaining capacity in number of data chunks
  int remaining();

These are the essential interfaces to keep in mind when defining an attachment as they represent how your custom data source will be asked to produce both the metadata as well as the raw bytes for your attachment.

When it is time for a RestLiAttachmentDataSourceWriter to produce data, it will first be invoked on RestLiAttachmentDataSourceWriter\#getAttachmentID(). Implementations should return a unique identifier that should be the same identifier placed in the strongly typed RecordTemplate payload as described earlier.

Next, the attachment will be invoked on onInit(WriteHandle). The provided WriteHandle is the object that will be used to perform the actual writing of bytes later, so implementations should save a reference to it.

Subsequently, at some point in time in the future, the attachment will be invoked on Writer\#onWritePossible(). It is at this point that implementations should write raw bytes on WriteHandle\#write(ByteString). The amount of times that the writer may write will be based on what is returned from WriteHandle\#remaining(). Once the number of writes remaining has been honored, then again at some time in the future, the attachment will be invoked again on Writer\#onWritePossible(). Then the attachment simply repeats the logic above. The Javadoc is clear about this behavior for developers to follow.

The size of the chunk written is up to the developer but keep in mind that the larger the chunks written, the more memory that may be used by the application at any given time. Furthermore, in order to minimize copies, developers should use ByteString\#unsafeWrap(byte\[\]) to wrap byte arrays that need to be written out.

Reading Attachments

Reading attachments is a multi-step callback driven process which allows developers to asynchronously walk through each attachment. It begins with a top level RestLiAttachmentReader and a SingleRestLiAttachmentReader for each individual attachment encountered. This applies whether a client is reading a server’s response attachments or a server reading a client’s incoming request attachments.

There are two callbacks involved, one for the RestLiAttachmentReader and one for the SingleRestLiAttachmentReader. The relevant interfaces are as follows:

 * Used to register with {@link com.linkedin.restli.common.attachments.RestLiAttachmentReader} to asynchronously
 * drive through the reading of multiple attachments.
public interface RestLiAttachmentReaderCallback
   * Invoked (at some time in the future) upon a registration with a {@link RestLiAttachmentReader}.
   * Also invoked when previous attachments are finished and new attachments are available.
   * @param singleRestLiAttachmentReader the {@link RestLiAttachmentReader.SingleRestLiAttachmentReader}
   *                                     which can be used to walk through this attachment.
  public void onNewAttachment(RestLiAttachmentReader.SingleRestLiAttachmentReader singleRestLiAttachmentReader);

   * Invoked when this reader is finished which means all attachments have been consumed.
  public void onFinished();

   * Invoked as a result of calling {@link RestLiAttachmentReader#drainAllAttachments()}.
   * This will be invoked at some time in the future when all the attachments in this reader have been drained.
  public void onDrainComplete();

   * Invoked when there was an error reading attachments.
   * @param throwable the Throwable that caused this to happen.
  public void onStreamError(Throwable throwable);

 * Used to register with {@link com.linkedin.restli.common.attachments.RestLiAttachmentReader.SingleRestLiAttachmentReader}
 * to asynchronously drive through the reading of a single attachment.
public interface SingleRestLiAttachmentReaderCallback
   * Invoked when data is available to be read on the attachment.
   * @param attachmentData the {@link} representing the current window of attachment data.
  public void onAttachmentDataAvailable(ByteString attachmentData);

   * Invoked when the current attachment is finished being read.
  public void onFinished();

   * Invoked when the current attachment is finished being drained.
  public void onDrainComplete();

   * Invoked when there was an error reading the attachments.
   * @param throwable the Throwable that caused this to happen.
  public void onAttachmentError(Throwable throwable);

The process begins by registering a callback of type RestLiAttachmentReaderCallback as shown above with the provided RestLiAttachmentReader. At some point in time in the future, the RestLiAttachmentReaderCallback will be invoked on RestLiAttachmentReaderCallback\#onNewAttachment(SingleRestLiAttachmentReader). This SingleRestLiAttachmentReader is what is used to traverse through each individual attachment.

The process then continues for each attachment as developers must register a SingleRestLiAttachmentReaderCallback with the provided SingleRestLiAttachmentReader. Once registered, the SingleRestLiAttachmentReader can then be told to produce attachment data via SingleRestLiAttachmentReader\#requestAttachmentData(). Once this is invoked, at some point in time in the future, the SingleRestLiAttachmentReaderCallback will be invoked on SingleRestLiAttachmentReaderCallback\#onAttachmentDataAvailable(ByteString) representing the data for the reader to consume. Once the attachment data is consumed, another call may be made to SingleRestLiAttachmentReader\#requestAttachmentData() thereby driving through all the data in that attachment.

Refer to the Javadocs provided for each class to obtain technical details as to how to use each API. Additional features, such as attachment draining and exception handling, are also described.

Chaining (Proxying) Attachments Across Services streaming supports the ability to proxy attachments meaning that:

  • A server can take an incoming request and send one or more of its attachments as a request further downstream.
  • A server can take one or more attachments from a response to a downstream request, and then send them back to the original request.
  • Clients and servers can coalesce multiple attachments from different sources.
  • This then becomes useful for observer or authentication patterns.

Here is an outline of what it may look like across multiple services:

Note how these big blobs of data move seamlessly between multiple services without any one service holding the entire blob in memory at once.

The APIs listed below in the client and server API sections highlight how to perform attachment chaining across multiple services.

Client Streaming APIs

Specifying Outgoing Attachments on the Client

The generated request builders have been augmented to allow developers to append attachments to outgoing requests. These APIs are:

1. appendSingleAttachment(RestLiAttachmentDataSourceWriter) to append a single attachment or to proxy an incoming SingleRestLiAttachmentReader further downstream.
2. appendMultipleAttachments(RestLiDataSourceIterator) to append multiple attachments (as defined by the RestLiDataSourceIterator interface) or to proxy an incoming RestLiAttachmentReader further downstream.

Here is sample code on the client side on what attachment creation would look like when constructing a request:

final byte[] clientSuppliedBytes = "ClientSupplied".getBytes();
final GreetingWriter greetingAttachment = new GreetingWriter(ByteString.copy(clientSuppliedBytes));
final StreamingGreetingsCreateBuilder createBuilder = new StreamingGreetingsBuilders().create();
final Greeting greeting = new Greeting().setMessage("A greeting with an attachment");
final Request<EmptyRecord> createRequest = createBuilder.input(greeting).build();
  final Response<EmptyRecord> createResponse = getClient().sendRequest(createRequest).getResponse();
  Assert.assertEquals(createResponse.getStatus(), 201);
catch (final RestLiResponseException responseException)
{"We should not reach here!", responseException);

The implementation of GreetingWriter has not been provided but it is a trivial implementation of RestLiAttachmentDataSourceWriter.

Accessing Response Attachments on the Client

By default the server will not send response attachments back unless a client specifies it can handle them. To explicitly allow response attachments to come back, developers will need to use RestLiRequestOptions as follows when constructing the request builders:

final RestliRequestOptions defaultOptions =
        new RestliRequestOptionsBuilder().setProtocolVersionOption(ProtocolVersionOption.USE_LATEST_IF_AVAILABLE)
final StreamingGreetingsBuilders builders = new StreamingGreetingsBuilders(defaultOptions);

Without specifying this explicitly, a server will not be able to send any attachments back. This is because by default the Accept-Type header will not include multipart/related as a valid accept type for the client to handle.

Subsequently, in order for the client to access any response attachments from the server, the Response object has been augmented with two new APIs, Response\#hasAttachments() and Response\#getAttachmentReader().

Clients should first see if the response has any attachments, and if so, call getAttachmentReader() to return the RestLiAttachmentReader to walk through all the attachment data.

Server Streaming APIs

Specifying Response Attachments on the Server

Even before assigning response attachments, the resource method should first check to see if the client can handle any response attachments. This is done via:

if (getContext().responseAttachmentsSupported())
   //Client can handle response attachments

Since the server does not have response builders or any opposite equivalent of the client side, resource methods must assign response attachments using an instance of RestLiResponseAttachments. The APIs exposed by RestLiResponseAttachments are very similar to the client side request builders:

     * Append a {@link com.linkedin.restli.common.attachments.RestLiAttachmentDataSourceWriter} to be placed as an attachment.
     * @param dataSource the data source to be added.
     * @return the builder to continue building.
    public Builder appendSingleAttachment(final RestLiAttachmentDataSourceWriter dataSource)
      AttachmentUtils.appendSingleAttachmentToBuilder(_responseAttachmentsBuilder, dataSource);
      return this;

     * Append a {@link com.linkedin.restli.common.attachments.RestLiDataSourceIterator} to be used as a data source
     * within the newly constructed attachment list. All the individual attachments produced from the
     * {@link com.linkedin.restli.common.attachments.RestLiDataSourceIterator} will be chained and placed as attachments in the new
     * attachment list.
     * @param dataSourceIterator
     * @return the builder to continue building.
    public Builder appendMultipleAttachments(final RestLiDataSourceIterator dataSourceIterator)
      AttachmentUtils.appendMultipleAttachmentsToBuilder(_responseAttachmentsBuilder, dataSourceIterator);
      return this;

Once this is created, the RestLiResponseAttachments can be assigned to the response via ResourceContext\#setResponseAttachments.

Here is a complete example on how a server might respond with attachments:

if (getContext().responseAttachmentsSupported())
   final GreetingWriter greetingWriter = new GreetingWriter(ByteString.copy(greetingBytes));
   final RestLiResponseAttachments streamingAttachments =
              new RestLiResponseAttachments.Builder().appendSingleAttachment(greetingWriter).build();
      callback.onSuccess(new Greeting().setMessage("Your greeting has an attachment since you were kind and "
              + "decided you wanted to read it!").setId(key));

Once again, the implementation of GreetingWriter has not been provided but it is a trivial implementation of RestLiAttachmentDataSourceWriter.

Accepting Request Attachments on the Server

A resource method expresses that it can accept request attachments by declaring RestLiAttachmentReader as a parameter in it’s method signature. This parameter must be accompanied by the presence of a new annotation: RestLiAttachmentsParam. Note that only one parameter of this type can be declared and the RestLiAttachmentsParam cannot be used with any other parameter type.

Here is an example of what a method signature may look like:

public void create(Greeting greeting, @CallbackParam Callback<CreateResponse> callback,
                   @RestLiAttachmentsParam RestLiAttachmentReader attachmentReader)

If the provided RestLiAttachmentReader is not null, the resource method may walk through it absorbing attachment data as described earlier above.

It is important to note that attachments cannot be sent to the server for that endpoint if the resource method does explicitly allow for them via the parameter declaration shown above. Therefore:
1. If resource method asks for them and client sends them, then there is no problem and this is completely normal.
2. If resource method asks for them and client does not send them, the resource method will see null for the RestLiAttachmentReader.
3. If resource method does not ask for them and client sends them, a bad request is sent back and the attachments are drained by the framework.
4. If resource method does not ask for them and client does not send them, then there is no problem and this is completely normal.

Good Programming Practice

Given that attachment streaming will be a new experience for developers, we encourage all engineers to consider the following when writing their services:

  • On the server side, application developers need to fully drain any incoming multipart requests. The framework will only abosrb the first part of the incoming request (the regular payload). The rest of the payload will need to be consumed by the resource method. Failure to do so can lead to resource leaks (open connections) which can cause server instability.
  • Similarly on the client side, application developers should fully drain response attachments, otherwise the connection pool on the client side will hit its limit.
  • In the event of an exception thrown by the resource method, the framework will attempt to drain all the request bytes. However such behavior should not be relied upon. Server developers should make every attempt to fully drain the incoming request even in the face of an exception.
  • If an exception is thrown (i.e bad URL in the request) before a resource method is invoked, will fully absorb and drop the payload on the ground.
  • Reduce bandwidth when possible; i.e use partial update to avoid resending unnecessary data across the wire.

Additional Developer Notes

  • There is an InputStream wrapper available that can allow a user specified Java InputStream to function as a data source for a RestLiAttachmentDataSourceWriter. Although its use is discouraged since it is an async wrapper around a synchronous library.
  • For clients issuing requests, only HTTP PUT or POST methods are allowed for attachment streaming:
    1. Create
    2. Batch Create
    3. Update
    4. Batch Update
    5. Partial Update
    6. Batch Partial Update
    7. Actions
  • Servers are allowed to send back attachments for ALL types of endpoints
  • A streaming supported server will need to be deployed
  • Client must explicitly specify that they can handle response attachments. Request builders by default will not specify attachments should be sent back.

Attachment Streaming without attachment streaming is built atop of a general purpose multipart/mime layer. This layer allows application developers to:

  • Deploy a service to receive and send back attachments directly on top of R2
  • Deploy clients to send and receive attachments directly on top of R2
  • Create multipart/mime requests (client) and responses (server) that conform to the RFC
  • Read multipart/mime responses (client) and requests (server) that conform to the RFC

Please see source, tests and examples in the multipart-mime module for more details.

Future Enhancements

LinkedIn will continue to improve and enhance the streaming experience. We have plans for:

  • Full parseq integration - The current APIs are callback centric
  • Streaming support for filters - Allow the filters to view windows of bytes as attachments flow in an out of the server
  • IDL integration + request builders - Elevating the RestLiAttachmentReader parameter on the server side to the IDL and providing a request builder specifically targeted for this parameter. This would require the compat checker to detect any backward incompatible changes as well.