Writing Unit Tests for Rest.li



The Rest.li team added classes to Rest.li (starting with Rest.li 1.14.7) to make writing unit tests for Rest.li clients and servers easier. These classes are spread across three modules: restli-client-testutils, restli-common-testutils, and restli-server-testutils.

Writing Unit Tests for Rest.li Clients

The classes that help writing unit tests for Rest.li clients are present in restli-client-testutils. These classes are mainly builders and factories that help in creating different types of com.linkedin.restli.client.Response objects. The expected use case for these classes is where you want to test that your code is able to process a Response object that it receives from making a Rest.li request.

Suppose you want to test a method that makes a GET request which returns a Greeting entity and then this method returns the property message from this entity. Your code that you want to test might look something like this:

public class MyApplication
  public String getMessage(long id) throws Exception  
    GetRequest<Greeting> getRequest = GREETINGS_BUILDERS.get().id(id).build();
    return _restClient.sendRequest(getRequest).getResponseEntity().getMessage();

To test this method, your code might look like this:

GetRequest<Greeting> expectedRequest = GREETINGS_BUILDERS.get().id(id).build();

// use the test utilities to construct a response that is processed by the method
// we are testing
Greeting mockGreeting = new Greeting().setId(1L).setMessage("test message");
MockSuccessfulResponseFutureBuilder<Greeting> responseFutureBuilder = 
  new MockSuccessfulResponseFutureBuilder<Greeting>().setEntity(expectedGreeting);
ResponseFuture<Greeting> mockResponse = responseFutureBuilder.build();

// assume myApplication is an instance of MyApplication
// assume mockClient is a mock RestClient that has been created using EasyMock
Assert.assertEquals(myClass.getMessage(1L), "test message");


MockResponseBuilder is a builder that can be used to easily construct Response objects. You can use it to set the headers, entity, HTTP response code, and so on, of the Response object. The use case that we envision for this class is when you are testing code that uses a version of sendRequest in RestClient that takes in a CallBack<Response<T>> as one of it’s parameters. The CallBack argument can be filled in using this builder.


The MockSuccessfulResponseFutureBuilder class is used to construct ResponseFutures that represent a successful Rest.li call, for example, no exceptions are thrown and the HTTP status code is 2xx. This builder can be used to set the entity, HTTP response code, and so on, of the response.


The MockFailedResponseFutureBuilder class is used to construct ResponseFutures that represent either a failed Rest.li call. This failed call can be of two types:

  1. The call failed completely and the server did not return any result. For example, you make a GET request but there is no entity for that ID, resulting in a 404.
  2. The call failed but the server still sent a response. For example you make a GET request and the server returns a partially constructed entity with some fields not filled out because of an internal server problem. In this case, there is an entity in the response as well as an error.

Please see the JavaDoc on this class for a detailed explanation on how each of the scenarios above can be modeled. This builder also lets us define how server exceptions should be treated using the setErrorHandlingBehavior(ErrorHandlingBehavior errorHandlingBehavior) method. Again, please see the JavaDoc for more details.

MockBatchCreateIdResponseFactory, MockBatchKVResponseFactory, MockBatchEntityResponseFactory, MockBatchResponseFactory, and MockCollectionResponseFactory

The other classes in this module, namely MockBatchCreateIdResponseFactory, MockBatchKVResponseFactory, MockBatchEntityResponseFactory, MockBatchResponseFactory, and MockCollectionResponseFactory are used to construct specific types of RecordTemplate objects. The use case for these classes is that they will be used to construct a specific type of entity which can then be used in the MockResponseBuilder, MockSuccessfulResponseFutureBuilder, or MockFailedResponseFutureBuilder as the entity object. For example, say you are making a request to a Rest.li finder on a /greetings resource. You can model the fact that this request returns a CollectionResponse<Greeting> as follows:

// assume "data" is what we want to return
CollectionResponse<Greeting> mockResponse = MockCollectionResponseFactory.create(Greetings.class, data);
MockSuccessfulResponseFutureBuilder<CollectionResponse<Greeting>> responseFutureBuilder = 
  new MockSuccessfulResponseFutureBuilder<CollectionResponse<Greeting>>().setEntity(expectedGreeting);
// use the ResponseFuture that you will get from the builder in tests

Writing Unit Tests for Rest.li Servers


The MockHttpServerFactory class is used to create a stand-alone Rest.li server easily that you can then write tests against. The primary use case for this class would be to bring up a Rest.li server at the start of the test, and then each test can test a different endpoint that this server supports. This factory also allows us to pass in beans that would have been injected into your Rest.li server by the Rest.li framework. For more information on bean injection in a Rest.li server, see the documentation on Dependency Injection.

Suppose we want to test that we have implemented the GET method correctly for our resource GreetingsResource. Let’s assume that GreetingsResource needs one bean named “db” of type DataBase to be injected. Here is what our test might look like (assuming we are using TestNG):

public class TestGreetingsResource
  private HttpServer _testServer;
  private Client _restClient;
  private static final int PORT = 7777;
  private static final String HOST = "http://localhost:" + PORT;
  private static final GreetingsBuilders GREETINGS_BUILDERS = new GreetingsBuilders();
  public void init()
    DataBase testDataBase = new TestDataBase();
    Map<String, Object> beans = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    beans.put("db", testDataBase);
    Set<Class> resourceClasses = new HashSet<Class>();
    // use the factory to create a test server
    _testServer = MockHttpServerFactory.create(PORT, resourceClasses, beans, true);

    // start the server
    // initialize other members
  public void testGet()
    GetRequest<Greeting> getRequest = GREETINGS_BUILDERS.get().id(1L).build();
    Greeting expectedGreeting = new Greeting().setId(1L).setMessage("test greeting");
    // the request sent by the _restClient goes to our _testServer. 
    Greeting actualGreeting = _restClient.sendRequest(getRequest).getResponseEntity();
    Assert.assertEquals(actualGreeting, expectedGreeting);
  // other tests
  public void cleanup()

Writing Unit Tests for Rest.li Data (RecordTemplates and DataMaps)

The restli-common-testutils module contains DataAssert, a class which allows you to compare DataMaps and RecordTemplates.


The DataAssert class contains methods that allow you to compare two DataMaps, RecordTemplates or Collections of RecordTemplates. These methods print out an easy to read output in case of an inequality, with the error message containing only the field(s) which makes the passed in objects not equal to each other. This is better than using a regular JUnit or TestNG Assert.assertEquals method as it might be hard to figure which field(s) caused the inequality, since the vanilla Assert.assertEquals print out the toString() of both objects which can be hard to read if there are many fields. Internally, this class uses TestNG to run assertions.

You can also specify ValidationOptions that will be applied to the passed in RecordTemplates before any comparison takes place. Please see the Javadoc for more details. Similarly, when comparing two DataMaps you can also specify that null is the same as an empty DataList or DataMap. Again, please see the Javadoc for more details.

Here is an example on how to use this class:

// we make a request to our server for which we know the expected result.
// we then compare the actual result with the expected result.
Greeting actualGreeting = _restClient.sendRequest(request).getResponseEntity();
Greeting expectedGreeting = new Greeting().setId(1L).setMessage("Greeting 1");
// we do not want to perform fix-up or coercion, hence we pass in null as the last argument.
DataAssert.assertRecordTemplateDataEqual(actualGreeting, expectedGreeting, null);